Assign & Change Reporting Structure

Learn how to assign a reporting manager and change the reporting structure on DoubleTick. Manage team hierarchy and roles, including removing members.

How to assign reporting manager & change reporting structure on DoubleTick ? 👇

Designate a Team Member as a Reporting Manager

Here are the steps to designate a team member as a reporting manager:

  • Navigate to the "Teams" section from left panel

  • Click on the three dots located to the right of the team member's name

  • A dropdown menu will appear. Select "Make reporting manager."

  • A pop-up window will appear. Choose the manager who will oversee this new reporting manager from the dropdown menu and click "Next" button

  • Now, assign team members to the new reporting manager by selecting one or multiple team members as needed

  • Click on the "Confirm" button to finalize the assignment

  • The reporting manager has been successfully designated and has been assigned three team members

How to change reporting manager of a Team Member ?

To change the reporting manager of a team member, navigate to the "Reporting Manager" column and click on the dropdown menu.

From there, select the desired reporting manager from the list provided.

Once selected, the reporting manager for the team member will be changed or updated accordingly.

Remove Team Member

  • Click on the three dots next to the team member's name

  • Select "Remove from DoubleTick" from the dropdown menu

  • A confirmation pop-up will appear

  • Click on the "Remove" button to proceed with the removal

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