How Conversation Charges Works

Learn how conversation charges work in WhatsApp API on DoubleTick. Understand how different template categories affect charges within the same 24-hour window.

What happens if you send templates of different categories in the same 24-hour conversation window?

Any time a template message is delivered, it will result in a conversation charge unless it is sent in a conversation of the same category

Example 1: Opening a Utility Conversation inside a Marketing Conversation

A marketing conversation is opened at 3:40 when a marketing template message is delivered

Later, with the marketing conversation still open, a utility template is delivered at 6:00

This opens a separate utility conversation. The result is one charge for a marketing conversation and one charge for a utility conversation

Example 2: Two templates of the same category result in only one conversation charge.

A utility conversation is opened at 9:00 when a utility template message is delivered

Later, with the utility conversation still open, another utility template message is delivered at 11:00

There is no new conversation charge because the template category used within the open conversation window did not change. The result is one utility conversation charge

Example 3: One template with both utility and marketing content

A template that includes content that is both utility and marketing based on Meta template guidelines is delivered, then

Whenever marketing content is identified in a template, the template will be categorized as marketing. The result is one marketing conversation charge.

Last updated