What is WhatsApp Opt-Out and How to Manage It

Learn what is WhatsApp Opt-out and how to manage it on DoubleTick. Use our Opt-Out bot to allow users to remove themselves from conversations easily.

What is a WhatsApp Opt-out?

​A WhatsApp opt-out is a process that lets users withdraw their consent and stop receiving messages, updates, or notifications from a business on WhatsApp. When a user opts out, they effectively choose not to continue receiving any communications through WhatsApp from the business.

Businesses need to offer clear instructions for users wishing to opt out of WhatsApp communications and change their preferences as they see fit.

Opt-Out Bot Action

The DoubleTick Bot provides an "Opt-Out" option that allows users to remove themselves from the conversation. Once the customer opts out, If a customer opts out, you won't be able to send any messages to them until they choose to opt back in

If an attempt is made to deliver a message to an opted-out customer, the delivery will fail, and an error message will be received 👇

Example Scenario:

Let's consider a scenario involving a subscription-based meal delivery service that offers updates and promotional offers to customers via WhatsApp. A customer who no longer wishes to receive these messages decides to opt out using the provided Unsubscribe button.

  1. Customer Interaction: The customer receives a message from the meal delivery service containing the latest offers and a prominent Unsubscribe button.

  2. Opt-Out Process: Upon clicking the Unsubscribe button, the customer's action triggers the Opt-Out action, initiating the opt-out process.

  3. Confirmation Message: The bot responds with a confirmation message, acknowledging the customer's opt-out request and informing them that they will no longer receive updates or promotional messages via WhatsApp.

  4. Opt-Out Completion: The customer's opt-out preference is recorded by the system, ensuring they are removed from the distribution list for future messages.

  5. Opt-In Option: The confirmation message also includes instructions on how the customer can opt back in if they wish to receive updates again. This could involve providing a specific keyword to the bot or accessing a link to re-subscribe.

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