Create a Carousel Template Message

Learn how to create WhatsApp Carousel Templates on DoubleTick. Use up to 10 customizable cards with rich media and buttons to enhance customer interaction.

Enhance your customer engagement with WhatsApp Carousel Templates! This innovative feature allows you to create interactive, multi-card messages that captivate your audience. Each card in the carousel can display rich media (images or videos), compelling text content, and actionable buttons, making it perfect for showcasing multiple products, services, or key information in a single, dynamic message.

With up to 10 customizable cards per carousel, you can provide an immersive and engaging experience that keeps your customers swiping for more. Whether you're launching a new product, running a marketing campaign, or simply looking to improve customer interactions, WhatsApp Carousel Templates are the perfect solution to elevate your communication strategy.

Start creating engaging and interactive messages today!

Creating a Template Carousel is easy and involves three steps:

Basic Info, Content, and Setup Cards.

Basic Info:

  1. Navigate to the Templates section

  2. Click on Create New Template Button to Start a new template

  3. Enter Template Name: Provide a name for your template

  4. Select Category: Choose the category for your template – either Marketing or Utility

  5. Select Template Type: Choose Carousel from the options available

  6. Select Language for your template

  7. Select Business

  8. Click on Next Button to proceed to the next step


  1. Body: Enter the template content in the Body section and click on the Next button.

Setup Card:

Card 1 (default) is divided into three parts:


  • To upload from your system, click the Upload button.

  • To add from a URL, click the Add from URL button and enter the URL.

  • Image: Maximum size 5MB, formats: JPEG, PNG.

  • Video: Maximum size 16MB, format: MP4.


  • Add content up to 160 characters. You can include variables in the body using curly braces (e.g., {{name}}) or by clicking the Add Variable Button.


  • Add up to two buttons per card. Available button types are:

  • Custom Button (Quick Reply)

  • Visit Website (Call to Action)

  • Call Phone Number (Call to Action)

Add Cards: Add up to 10 cards by clicking the Add a Card button.

Duplicate Card

To duplicate a card, click on the Duplicate button of the existing card you want to replicate.

Add Variable & Submit

After entering all card details, click the Submit Template button to complete the process.

Last updated