How to Use WhatsApp Account Roles Feature

Manage WhatsApp Account roles on DoubleTick. Choose from predefined roles like Owner, Team Lead, and Team Member, or create custom roles for specific needs.

Checkout our video on How to create custom roles 👇

DoubleTick offers a set of 4 predefined WhatsApp Account roles

1. Owner

The Owner role grants access to all WhatsApp API features within DoubleTick.

2. Team Lead

The Team Lead role provides the capability to invite and remove team members, as well as the ability to view all conversations within DoubleTick.

3. Team Member (See all chats)

The Team Role allows access to view all chats within a specific team.

4. Team Member (Only assigned chats)

The Team Member role is limited to the ability to view only the chats that are assigned to them either by the owner or the team lead.

WhatsApp Account Role

Create Custom WhatsApp Account Roles

  1. To create custom WhatsApp Account roles, Click on the Create role button.

  2. The Custom Create Role feature enables you to assign specific rights for WhatsApp Accounts features, such as

    • Bots Management

    • Conversation Management

    • Templates Management

  3. Select the options you wish to include in your custom roles and click on Create new role button

  1. Enter the role name and, if required, a description, then click the SAVE button to confirm.

  1. New Agent Access WhatsAPP Account custom role created successfully !

Last updated