Explore how you can categorize chats and filter them on DoubleTick chat inbox. Learn how to manage, search, and assign customer conversations efficiently.
It provides various filters that can be utilized to search for specific types of customers. These filters aid in quickly and effectively searching for a particular group of customers, enhancing efficiency in customer management.
The Inbox consist of the following 👇
All Chats: This set includes all conversations
Under the "All Chats" section, chats are further divided into the following categories:
All: Displays all conversations without any specific filtering
Awaited Reply: Shows chats where a response is expected or pending
Unread: Includes chats that haven't been read yet
Read: Consists of chats that have been opened and read or "Marked Read" by an agent
Open: Displays chats that are presently active, with the chat window remaining open within a 24-hour period
Expired: Displays chats that have surpassed the 24-hour timeframe, indicating that the chat window has been closed
Resolved: Includes chats that have been "marked done" indicating that they have been resolved or closed
My Chats: These are conversations assigned to you.
Under "My Chats," the conversations are categorized into:
All: All chats assigned to you.
Awaited Reply: Chats where responses are expected or pending from either the customer or yourself.
Unread: Chats that you haven't read yet.
Read: Chats that you have opened and read, or "Marked Read" by an you.
Open: Active chats that you are currently engaged in, with the chat window remaining open within a 24-hour period
Expired: Chats that have exceeded the 24-hour window
Resolved: Chats that you have "marked done"
Unassigned: These chats have not yet been assigned to any specific agent.
Under "Unassigned Chats," the conversations are categorized into:
All: All chats that have not been assigned to any specific agent
Unread: Chats that have not been read by any agent yet
Expired: Chats that have exceeded the 24-hour window without being assigned
Resolved: Chats that have been marked as completed without being assigned to any specific agent
Assigned: These chats are currently assigned to other agents.
The "Assign Chats" dropdown menu enables you to select an agent, allowing you to view the chats that have been assigned specifically to that agent.
This feature streamlines the process of managing and monitoring chat assignments within the system.
Tags: This set involves chats tagged with specific labels
"Tags" dropdown menu contains all the created or existing tags.
Upon selecting a specific tag from the dropdown menu, all chats that have been labeled with that particular tag will be displayed.
This feature allows for easy access and organization of chats based on their assigned tags.
WABAs: This involves chats related to WhatsApp Business Accounts (WABAs).
If you have multiple WABA (WhatsApp Business API) channels, you can select or filter a particular WABA from a dropdown menu.
By selecting the desired WABA channel from the dropdown, all chats associated with that specific WABA channel will be displayed.
This functionality enables users to easily access and manage chats across different WABA channels.