Edit Your Profile Details

Learn to update your profile details on DoubleTick. Easily edit your name, email, and phone number, to keep your account information accurate and up-to-date.

Check out our video on how to edit Profile/User details. 👇

Edit Name

  1. Select Edit

  2. A pop-up box will appear; input your new name and click SET NAME button

  3. Your name changes will be saved

Edit Email

  1. Select Edit

  2. A pop-up box will appear; input your email and click SET EMAIL button

  3. Your email changes will be saved

Change Login Phone Number

The phone number serves as login ID, enabling users to log in with DoubleTick. Only the owner has access to edit the phone number.

Note: Changing phone number will trigger an OTP. Ensure you have both numbers with you during the process.

To update your login number, follow the steps below. 👇

  1. Select Edit

  2. Click on SEND OTP button

  1. Enter the OTP number received via message and click on the VERIFY OTP button.

  1. It will prompt you to enter the new login phone number. Input the new number and click on SEND OTP button.

  2. Enter the OTP number received via message and click on the VERIFY OTP button.

  1. A pop-up dialog box will appear for change confirmation. Click on the CONFIRM button to proceed.

  1. The change process is complete; the number will be updated successfully.

Last updated