What is WhatsApp Opt-in and How to Manage It

Learn what is WhatsApp Opt-in and how to manage it on DoubleTick. Understand Opt-in rules, methods, and policies to comply with WhatsApp's messaging guidelines.

What is WhatsApp Opt-in?

A WhatsApp Opt-in is essentially a permission request from a business to a customer, asking for their consent to receive messages, promotional or otherwise, through WhatsApp. This means businesses are not allowed to initiate contact with a user unless the user has explicitly agreed to receive WhatsApp notifications or messages.

As per WhatsApp’s policy, businesses must secure this consent before shooting any marketing, utility, or authentication conversations with customers outside the 24-hour window allowed. This stipulates that customers must always be the ones to kick off a conversation with a brand.

Opt-ins can be collected in various ways, both directly on WhatsApp and through external channels such as websites, signup process checkboxes, and social media advertisements.

Opt-in Methods

To ensure compliance with WhatsApp's policies, opt-in methods must adhere to the outlined requirements. Below are several effective and policy-compliant methods for collecting WhatsApp opt-ins:

  • Your Website: Incorporate an opt-in request during the checkout process. For instance, you can ask customers if they want to receive order notifications on WhatsApp as they're finalizing their purchase.

  • Custom Landing Page: Develop a dedicated landing page that is specifically designed to gather WhatsApp opt-ins, providing a focused avenue for consent.

  • In-App Pop-Up: Implement a pop-up within your app that highlights the advantages of opting in to receive WhatsApp notifications, making it an attractive option for users.

  • Click to WhatsApp Ad: Utilize ads targeting existing customers to initiate the opt-in process directly, leveraging your ad space for consent collection.

  • Email: Engage your email subscribers with an opt-in invitation, guiding them through the process to start receiving updates on WhatsApp.

  • Phone and IVR: While customers are on hold, offer them the option to opt-in for assistance via WhatsApp, presenting an alternative communication channel.

  • SMS: Transition your SMS audience to WhatsApp by inviting them to opt-in for updates through the more engaging platform.

  • Offline Methods: Promote your WhatsApp channel through physical mediums such as receipts, gift cards, ads, QR codes, and signage, providing a tangible link to digital consent.

  • Within a WhatsApp Conversation: During active conversations, businesses have the opportunity to ask customers directly if they would like to opt-in for future communications.

What Are the Rules and Restrictions?

WhatsApp's policies mandate adherence to specific requirements for collecting opt-ins. Your business will need to adhere to the below practices:

  • Active Opt-In: The user must actively give consent, either by entering their phone number or by selecting a visual element like a checkbox, to signify their agreement.

  • User Control: Users should have the ability to control which phone number is used for communication, ensuring consent through explicit actions such as entering or editing their phone number.

  • Clear Messaging: The opt-in message must explicitly state the type of information the user agrees to receive via WhatsApp, whether it be shipping updates, transaction notifications, one-time passwords (OTPs), promotional content, or product news.

  • Mandatory Format: The consent message must include specific language elements: “receive [type-of-information] on WhatsApp at [number],” along with the WhatsApp logo and name.

  • Opt-In Sources: Businesses must secure opt-in either directly on WhatsApp or through other channels before sending the first promotional message on WhatsApp.

  • Approved Message Templates: Initial chats must use WhatsApp-approved Message Templates, and continued conversation is allowed for up to 24 hours after the user's last message without additional charges. Beyond this window, only approved Message Templates may be used.

  • Opt-In During Conversation: If a customer initiates a conversation, opt-in can be obtained during this first interaction.

  • Automated Messages: Businesses can set up automated replies within the 24-hour window, provided there are clear escalation paths to a human agent.

  • Easy Opt-Out: Ensure users can easily opt out of receiving updates, making both the opt-in and opt-out processes simple and user-friendly.

By following these rules, businesses can effectively manage their WhatsApp communications, ensuring they provide a respectful, consent-based messaging environment that aligns with WhatsApp's policies and user expectations.

Check "Opt-in" In DoubleTick

If a customer has opted in for chat in any manner, you can view this information in the Chat section.

Simply select the conversation, and in the Details panel on the right, look for the "Opt-in" option. If the option is enabled; has a check mark, it indicates that the customer has opted in for chat communication.

Last updated