Change Template Details

Learn how to update the message template on DoubleTick. Change template header, add variables, duplicate templates for reuse, or delete them.

How to change template header media [Image or Video or PDF] of existing approved template without the need to re-register the template 👇

Update Template Header Media

  • When sending a template, an "Add variables to Template" dialog box will appear, allowing you to modify your template contents.

  • You can add variable values, update header media without needing to reapply the template.

  • For instance, if you initially create a template with a birthday poster image and it gets approved, you can later change the image to another similar birthday poster of your choice when sending the template. 👇

Updating Template Image

Note: Please note that when replacing media within a template,Header format will not change, images will only be replaced by other images, videos by other videos, and documents by other documents.

Update Header

  • Click on "Upload a file" button

  • Select the Image from Library and click on Open

  • Image will be updated successfully!

Add Variable

  • Under the Body section of the template, you'll find the option to add variables.

  • Variables added during template creation will be visible here.

  • You can either manually enter the variable data or select a system attribute/variable from the options provided. 👇

Click on Send Now button to sed the template

Duplicate Template

  1. Navigate to the template you want to duplicate

  2. Click on the three dots beside the template

  3. Select the "Duplicate" option

  4. Make sure to change the template name

  5. Make the desired changes to the duplicated template

  6. Submit the template for approval

Once the duplicated template is approved, you will be able to use it just like any other approved template.


Delete Template

  • Navigate to the template you want to delete

  • Click on the three dots beside the template

  • Select the "Delete" option

Last updated