How To Capture Details Using Webhooks And Condition

Capture customer details based on their interaction (replying or clicking a button in the template) and store them in Google Sheets.


1. Set Up Webhook Trigger

  • Configure the workflow to be triggered by a webhook.

  • Copy the provided Webhook URL and paste it into the required Webhooks Section of your platform.

2. Map the Incoming Data

  • In the workflow configuration, identify the field where customer data is stored.

  • For the Phone Number Field, select "From" as the source.

3. Add a Condition for Button Interaction

  • Attach the condition to the Webhook Trigger.

  • Set up the condition as follows:

    • Field: message.type

    • Operator: Contains

    • Value: BUTTON (case-sensitive, ensure exact match or copy from bot logs).

4. True Branch: Store Clicked Button Data

  • If the condition evaluates to True (customer clicked a button):

    • Extract the relevant details (e.g., phone number, message content).

    • Save the data into the designated Google Sheet.

5. False Branch: Store No Interaction Data

  • If the condition evaluates to False (customer did not click any button):

    • Save the details into a Separate Google Sheet to keep track of non-interactive customers.


  • The workflow will differentiate between customers who clicked buttons and those who didn’t.

  • Two separate Google Sheets will maintain records for interactive and non-interactive customers.

  • Ensure data mapping and webhook integration are correctly tested before going live.\

Last updated