How To Capture Details Using Webhooks And Condition
Capture customer details based on their interaction (replying or clicking a button in the template) and store them in Google Sheets.
1. Set Up Webhook Trigger
Configure the workflow to be triggered by a webhook.
Copy the provided Webhook URL and paste it into the required Webhooks Section of your platform.
2. Map the Incoming Data
In the workflow configuration, identify the field where customer data is stored.
For the Phone Number Field, select "From" as the source.
3. Add a Condition for Button Interaction
Attach the condition to the Webhook Trigger.
Set up the condition as follows:
Field: message.type
Operator: Contains
Value: BUTTON (case-sensitive, ensure exact match or copy from bot logs).
4. True Branch: Store Clicked Button Data
If the condition evaluates to True (customer clicked a button):
Extract the relevant details (e.g., phone number, message content).
Save the data into the designated Google Sheet.
5. False Branch: Store No Interaction Data
If the condition evaluates to False (customer did not click any button):
Save the details into a Separate Google Sheet to keep track of non-interactive customers.
The workflow will differentiate between customers who clicked buttons and those who didn’t.
Two separate Google Sheets will maintain records for interactive and non-interactive customers.
Ensure data mapping and webhook integration are correctly tested before going live.\
Last updated