Troubleshoot Common WhatsApp API Errors

Find solutions for common WhatsApp API errors on DoubleTick, including account restrictions, message undeliverability, and template issues.

Temporarily blocked for policies violations


The WhatsApp Business Account has been restricted or disabled for violating a platform policy.

Possible Solutions:

See the Policy Enforcement document to learn about policy violations and how to resolve them.

Account has been locked


The WhatsApp Business Account associated with the app has been restricted or disabled for violating a platform policy, or we were unable to verify data included in the request against data set on the WhatsApp Business Account (e.g, the two-step pin included in the request is incorrect).

Possible Solutions:

See the Policy Enforcement document to learn about policy violations and how to resolve them.

User's number is part of an experiment


Meta occasionally run experiments to help them assess the impact of messaging on WhatsApp user experience and engagement.

Starting June 14, 2023, roughly 1% of WhatsApp users will not receive marketing template messages from any business unless one of the following conditions is met:

  • A customer service window exists between the customer and the business

  • An open marketing conversation exists between the customer and the busines

If you send a marketing template message to a customer who is part of the experiment group, your message will not be sent and you will not be billed for it since no conversation was created

Possible Solutions:

If you must deliver the marketing template message to the customer, Meta recommend's that you contact the customer by some other, non-WhatsApp means, and ask them to message you so you can resend the message within the customer service window.

Something went wrong


Message failed to send due to an unknown error

Possible Solutions:

Try again. If the error persists, contact DoubleTick Support

Message Undeliverable


Unable to deliver message. Reasons can include:

  • The recipient phone number is not a WhatsApp phone number.

  • Sending an authentication template to a WhatsApp user who has a +91 country calling code (India). Authentication templates currently cannot be sent to WhatsApp users in India.

  • Recipient has not accepted our new Terms of Service and Privacy Policy.

  • Recipient using an old WhatsApp version; must use the following WhatsApp version or greater:

    • Android:

    • SMBA:

    • iOS:

    • SMBI:

    • KaiOS: 2.2130.10

    • Web: 2.2132.6

  • The message was not delivered to create a high quality user experience.

Possible Solutions:

Using a non-WhatsApp communication method, ask the WhatsApp user to:

  • Confirm that they can actually send a message to your WhatsApp business phone number.

  • Confirm that they have accepted our latest Terms of Service (Settings > Help, or Settings > Application information will prompt them to accept the latest terms/policies if they haven't done so already)

  • Update to the latest version of the WhatsApp client

Template does not exist


The template does not exist in the specified language or the template has not been approved.

Possible Solutions:

Make sure your template has been approved and the template name and language locale are correct.

Template is Disabled


Template has been paused too many times due to low quality and is now permanently disabled.

Possible Solutions:

Create a new template with different content.

Last updated